Blood Donations
Who is your 1 in 3?
1 in 3 Australians will need blood or blood products
in their lifetime
Kate Fisher is the Founder of Milkshakes for Marleigh and Australia’s primary blood donation advocate. She she is on a mission to end persistent critical blood shortages in Australia and around the world.
Lives saved in 2024
Whole Blood Donors
Plasma Donors
Platelets Donors
Meet your host
Kate Fisher
Best selling author and award winning postcast host
Kate is the host and producer of The Milkshakes for Marleigh Podcast where she tells the survival stories of blood product recipients. This is her creative solution to the social problem that not enough people donate blood. Only 1 in 30 Australians donate blood and yet 1 in 3 will need it in their lifetime. Kate is on a mission to change that, while thanking as many blood donors as she can along the way. You can find the Milkshakes for Marleigh podcast on your favourite podcast platform.
Kate is a mother at the helm of a family with additional needs. Kate has four children, three of them are living and like her, they have various complex medical conditions, physical and neurodevelopmental disabilities. She is helplessly in love with her husband Geoff and adores navigating their crazy, challenging, joy filled life together.