Kate Fisher named as a finalist for Global Awards

Kate Fisher of Milkshakes for Marleigh is part of a collaboration sharing advice and inspiring women to step into leadership, believe in themselves and do their part to make a difference in the world!

What if we could inspire people everywhere to make a difference?

This question was the inspiration for creating this book. A vision to create something beautiful yet powerful that would inspire others to lead, take action, in their own lives and the work they do and to find ways to make the world a better place.

Women making a difference highlights the importance of heart-centred leadership and the positive impact it can have on society and offers readers a collection of diverse perspectives and experiences from women who have created change across a range of fields and industries. The book aims to inspire and empower others who are called to make a difference through the work that they do by providing inspirational stories combined with practical advice, insights, and tools for success.

This book is a collection of stories for women by women focused on inspiring purpose, vision and leadership. Featuring real-life, relatable global role-models from all walks of life who are women changing the world through entrepreneurialism, education, conscious living, giving back, advocacy, innovation and more who had the courage to listen to the call to step into leadership and took action to make it happen!

Having the confidence to take action as a changemaker is one of the most important qualities you need to succeed in making a difference as Kate Fisher, Founder of Milkshakes for Marleigh explains, “advocacy is so much more than social media posts and hashtags. I needed to develop a creative solution to the social problem of not enough Australians donating blood and persistent critical blood shortages that come with that as our daughter Marleigh’s survival is dependent on blood being available for her when she needs it. I am now Australia’s primary blood donation advocate and my work through Milkshakes for Marleigh is inspiring blood donations all over the world”.

Co-author Peace Mitchell of Women Changing the World Awards says, “Believing in yourself is an incredible force of power that starts with you. Whether you want to change the world, invent an incredible product, take on the big brands, inspire people, take your business global, start a movement, dream bigger or make a difference in any way it’s time to take action and follow that calling!”

It can be challenging to be a successful leader and Kate Fisher gives this advice for others thinking about stepping into leadership and making a difference: “When I look at the female leaders I admire, they are made all influenced by a rich tapestry of experiences that give them the skills and the knowledge to lead with purpose and influence change. Much of the life experience that has inspired me to be a leading blood donation advocate couldn’t be taught in schools or workplaces and this is why my solutions are unique and having such a phenomenal impact.”

“We wrote this book because we know that there are so many women out there with big dreams and ambitions who are playing small and being held back by fear and self-doubt. We wanted to send a strong and clear message to the world and to women everywhere that it doesn’t have to be this way, and this book will guide you through overcoming your fears and self-doubt and inspire you to instead embrace the courage to follow your dreams, lead with confidence and make a difference!” Mitchell explains.

Women Making a Difference launches globally in London this May at the Women Changing the World Global Summit and with an online festival featuring interviews and presentations from each of the authors during June.

For more information about Women Making a Difference visit www.wcwpress.com

 For an interview with Kate Fisher contact her via our contact form